I have also done a series of wedding card ideas. This is one of them. If I just relax with a theme in mind it's scary where your thoughts will take you. It made me smile though.
My last post of August 2010.
This was a bit of a rough in many ways. I'd like to do something with a group of animals but it hasn't really gelled yet. Until it does I will carry on doing roughs of animals.
It feels like a summer picture to me so it seemed relevant this being the end of summer....August is the end of summer isn't it?...Nearly?...
This is my first posting for July and it's already halfway through the month. I've just finished a commission that has taken a few months. It was great fun and the publishers were really good.
I thought I put up this image of an elastic cat. I've had cats for 29 years and never had a gap but last year both of our cats died and we have decided for the first time not to replace them. My wife, family and I miss not having them around but we decided to have a break.
Aaaah, the New Year. Snow on the ground everywhere. Stuck inside, the family moaning, the dog doesn't want to go outside and is prepared to hold his bladder until the thaw.
I've been doing quite a few of these crowd scenes. I like illustrations where you look around and see new things all the time. Look for the Easter eggs under the pyramid in the background.....You didn't really look did you?